Monthly Archives: January 2011

Soundcheck Sunday

Allison Crowe, “Hallelujah”

Though most people who are serious about their music would rate Jeff Buckley’s version more highly — and there is really something magnificent and mesmerizing about the Buckley cover — I have a soft spot for Crowe’s cover. Her voice reminds me of a young k.d. lang, and there’s a simplicity about the way she’s arranged the piano work in this piece that uncovers another side to the song.

Bonus Allison Crowe track!

Soundcheck Sunday

Dreams Come True (Featuring Fuzzy Control), その先へ

This is a maddeningly catchy piece of J-Pop whose lyrics I will leave you to research on your own. This would have been posted yesterday, but some miscreant scribbled all over the database, again, so I got to spend my night rebuilding things. Yay. Anyway, I encountered this track the last time I was in Japan, over the closing credits of a thoroughly silly yet technically rather accurate Japanese version of “ER” (“Kyumei Byoto 24-ji,” for those of you with a penchant for looking stuff up), and sadly it has remained stuck in my head ever since.

Interested in that thing the video is shot on? So are other people.