Oooh! I wanna play too!

Meme time! “List the towns or cities where you spent at least a night away from home during 2006. Mark with a star if you had multiple non-consecutive stays.” This ought to be interesting.

* Coquitlam, BC
* Vancouver, BC
Phoenix, AZ
Seattle, WA
Edmonton, AB
* Calgary, AB
Toronto, ON
* London, United Kingdom
Istanbul, Turkey
Vienna, Austria
Salzburg, more or less, Austria (not by choice)
Venice, Italy
Rome, Italy
Riomaggiore, Italy
Arles, France
Paris, France
Swansea, Wales
Dublin, Ireland

A good year for travel, overall. Better than 2004. Way better than 2005 (aka “the year of living dangerously”). It’s funny because I went through Google Earth last night and marked every place on the planet I’ve been to. I’m a fairly well-traveled guy, but the exercise made me sort of depressed. “Maaaan! I’ve got all kinds of ground to cover!” Round-the-world ticket, here I come! (Thanks, FlyerTalk punks, for putting that idea in my head. Jerks.)